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Spotify’s Daylist Curates Your Music With AI

Coming off the success of their AI DJ feature, Spotify launched the Daylist, a playlist of music that changes throughout the day. Despite the division surrounding AI in the music industry, this AI-powered feature has led to even more wild success for the app. 

What Is The Daylist

The daylist made its debut on Spotify on September 12th. The playlist consists of about 50 songs. Also, it is curated based on the user’s past listening habits.

Beyond their specific listening habits

The feature takes into consideration what times of day the user listens to different kinds of music. 


For example, the daylist might be primarily made up of classical music in the morning… 

But later it’ll be comprised of pop later in the day according to the user’s habits. 

Along with the content and energy of the playlist, the daylist’s title will also change, giving each update a completely unique feel. The titles change based on the genre of music its highlighting. 

Basically, names can get increasingly convoluted to create a niche experience. The titles of the daylist can range from “romantic c-sharp minor Tuesday morning,” to “sad hopeless romantic evening.”

With an extreme sense of variety and range, the daylist has certainly drawn attention to itself. But what have the audiences thought of it so far?

Listener Feedback

While the daylist has received its criticisms (fans complaining that it updates too often and they can’t listen to a 50-song playlist in time), overall, most listeners seem to be huge fans of the feature. 

The daylist was designed with shareability in mind. That fact contributed to the success of the feature. This marketing move comes as no surprise, considering Spotify is the king of viral social media campaigns.

The easy ability to share the feature on social media lets people show off their hyper-specific music tastes. 

The daylist became a trend on Instagram, with thousands of listeners posting their daily music feeds on their stories. The trend got so big, it increased searches for “daylist” on Spotify by 20,000%.

AI has essentially turned the music industry into the Wild West. It even restored unreleased Beatles music.

Currently, the state of AI is still debated within the industry. But, when it comes to musical curation rather than music making…

AI might’ve found a place for itself. 

Be Great,

GCTV Staff

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